Friday, August 18, 2006


“One day´s happiness makes a man forget his troubles, and one day of troubles makes him forget his past happiness”
Wisdom of Sirach (From de book “Jewish Wisdom”)

It´s easy to be happy if we do not complicate life. We live in a world surrounded by tragedies. That´s why happiness is relative. We can be happy relatively to that guy that loses his home hitted by a bomb in Israel or in Lebanon. Maybe we are happier than that guy crossing the street, we can see from our window.

According to Viktor Frankl (again!), man can overcome the worst conditions if he can mantain a high expectation from life, a plan, a hope, a dream. Frankl could speak about that with authority because his terrible days in concentration camps can hardly be experienced by anyone.

Therefore, if a man can support an extremely difficult condition like that, we should think over our troubles, to see how small they are and how few of our worries they really deserve.

For the average people´s life, tragedies are not so common. In spite of the magazine´s headlines, we can see that normally all the human troubles comes from imprudence, stupidity and failing on foreseeing the effects of our actions or decisions.

To be focused on our job, our family and the happiness of those around us brings us much happiness. To spend less than what we earn is another simple recipe of happiness. This bad habit has made more unhappy people than any other defects together. Many marriages and relationships have been finished mostly by money problems.

Anyway, we have to know that troubles will come, and we have to be prepared. But, another good way to overcome troubles is to share them with those loved ones. Because, in sharing problems, we divide the burden, we gain power, we even forget them. That´s the power of love, the universal “solvent”. Nothing resists to this power.

So, Love and Be happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In adittion to your text I would say that changes in people`s life can be another recipe to hapiness. That`s exactly what I`m looking for getting out of Ambev and going to Foxlux.
People are afraid of changes. They are not confident to try something else in their lives.
So, love, change and be happy!